Experiencing Power in Life Purpose & Calling

As we enter our forties and fifties, we have a lifetime of lessons and experiences and choices that have brought us to where we find ourselves today. Understanding that God is a Giver, Redeemer and Lover will prompt us to consider our present state, not so much in terms of indecisiveness and contemplation of losses or potential losses in the upcoming season but in terms of blessings and gifts and understanding and wisdom - and the eventual treasures that await us just around the corner. "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

We are truly in the prime of our lives, considering that most of the key people in the Scriptures, folks that walked with God, heard His voice and conquered nations were in their forties and fifties or later before greatness was manifested in them. Let us face it with gusto, passion, purpose and clear direction!

We will first explore nine key areas of life. Questions will be asked to allow you to write in your personal notes what is truly important to you at the core of your being in each of these key areas of life.

Subsequently, you will learn how to take these revelations of your mind and heart and create concise expressions that communicate the passion of your personal sentiments. These will be used in the creation of your very own distinct "Life Call" power video which you can later watch daily to remind you of who you are in Christ Jesus and of all the promises that have been borne specifically in your life and have yet to manifest. Think of it as scripture memory with pictures and music to encourage your persevering faith.

09/27 Discover Nine Key Areas of Life and Your Part in Each
10/04 Create Your Blessing Script from Your True Role in Nine Areas
10/11 Find Visual Illustrations to Clarify Your Recent Discoveries
10/18 Consider Music that Escorts You to Times of Promise
10/25 Compile and Compose Your Life Call Video Presentation

We are excited to share with all who attend. You won't want to miss a week as it all builds upon itself to the finished product. Bring a notebook and a heart full of expectation to discover the wonder of yourself. "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works,And my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14

Bring a bag lunch and/or munchies to share for a great time of fellowship, fun and an open heaven!

Beginning on Sunday, September 27, 1:30 pm at the home of Alex Delgado, 1225 Kilrush Drive, Franklin, 3.4 miles from Grace Center.

Directions: As you exit the church parking lot, turn left onto Bethlehem Loop Road. At the stop sign, turn right onto Hillsboro Road. At Berry's Chapel Road, turn right and then make another right into River Landing subdivision. Go to the stop sign and make another right onto Gillette Drive. Go one block to Kilrush Drive and make another right. At the end of the block is 1225 on the right!
(Just think of it as a road of "right"eousness - see you there!)

09/27 Discover Nine Key Areas of Life and Your Part in Each
10/04 Create Your Blessing Script from Your True Role in Nine Areas
10/11 Find Visual Illustrations to Clarify Your Recent Discoveries
10/18 Consider Music that Escorts You to Times of Promise
10/25 Compile and Compose Your Life Call Video Presentation


Tidalisms are phrases which originate within the Tidal Ministry that refer to specific activities or functions of the ministry or its participants. As they become familiar in use, we will post them on this site to encourage the culture of TIDAL and the future use of tidalisms. Thank you.

"That Was a Casket" - An acronym for 'Christian Adult Singles Keep Encouraged Together' and refers to a humorous or encouraging word or story which serves to lift the spirit or brighten a mood; A reference to unique ideas which motivate or otherwise increase the realization of the abundant life of promise (thinking 'outside the box' of limitation or stagnation); Any example of sincere humility or unselfish kindness, compassion or generosity offering evidence of the 'apparent death of the old man'; Contributing to the needs of another in such a manner as to terminate their concerns.

"Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life." Romans 6:4 "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

"Make A Splash" - Bringing God's presence to manifest by your simple attendance or participation at an event; Offering a public praise of God which stimulates faith and service; Using your gifts, talents, skills and/or abilities to contribute to the common good of the body of Christ; Offering a public testimony of another's kindness; Organizing or hosting an event which serves to increase the well-being of the church or any of its members.

"For where two or more are gathered in My name, I am there in their midst." Matthew 18:20 "Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves." Philippians 2:1-3


Only four of the twelve gathered attempted the moderate level hike led by our very own Steve Bryant. The rest of us reposed on two picnic benches by a tranquil pond in view of a very large yellow and black butterfly, a bright red portly cardinal and a plump iron frog placed ever so discreetly on a large flat rock that marked the entrance to the pond viewing area at the Nature Center.

While most of us dined on Subway and Sonic, Dan brought a small cooler with smoked salmon, capers and cream cheese, gourmet crackers, grapes and apples, all of which he graciously offered to the rest of us. woohoo. What a blast to have a gourmet present.

Those who chose to remain under the shade of large oaks and cedars then feasted on several excerpts from Ken Gire's book, Moments with The Saviour.  Discussion followed on motivation for service prompted by love and the true nature of peace.  We also discussed the value of each individual to the wholeness of and fulfillment within the Body of Christ.  Everyone has gifts, talents, skills and abilities given by God for the use and blessing of the Family of God unto which we were all born through the blood of Jesus and by which we were all made one.

I recall the old three musketeer's chant, "One for all and all for one".  With a challenge to love each other no matter what, we closed in prayer and said our goodbye's until next Sunday.  Blessings to one and all, especially our guests, Angel, Hope, Tammy and Vivian.


What an amazing time as ten individuals joined together to share their hopes, hearts and heritage after rather spur-of-the-moment lunch invitations were offered to familiar folks whose faces were known but whose lives are sometimes lost in the blur of Sunday mornings. After sandwiches, timely introductions and loads of laughter, we gathered to discuss the needs and desires Christian adult singles ages 40's and 50's experience.

Comfort with each other inspired transparency and God's presence swelled as prayers were ushered on behalf of those present, hands were surrendered to impart and receive healing and words of prophetic encouragement were offered to warm the soul and refresh the spirit.

In a whisper of time, the heart of a family was born. A. W. Tozer writes, "Loneliness is not necessarily the absence of people but rather the absence of understanding". It was apparent that the Holy Spirit was at work in answering prayers and gently weaving a tapestry of unity under which we can all find shelter from the storms of life and friends to join our dance when abundant joy overflows.

Alex's Note: I want to thank all present for being so encouraging, sharing so openly and offering so graciously to support our efforts to make a difference in our community. Thank You Much and God Bless!